ٹائپ کر کے اسے 3627 پر بھیجیں۔UNREGاگر آپ کو اپنے فون نمبر پر پاسورڈ نہیں مل رہا تو براہ کرم.

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Scoring Criteria

Selection Criteria

Category-I Total Marks
1. Aggregate of General Nursing (03 years) & Midwifery (01 year) for Females OR Aggregate of General Nursing (03 years) & one year Post Basic in any Specialty (for Males in lieu of Midwifery Diploma) 75
2. Aggregate of Post RN B.S.c Nursing (two years) degree program 05


Category-I Total Marks
Professional experience of Government Service (regular, adhoc, contract service) (01 mark per year, maximum 10 marks).
Note: (Initial two years regular Government service mandatory for applying purpose will not be considered for scoring)
Candidate pursuing admission in same specialization in which she has been working in service. (2 marks for each year maximum marks are 10) 10

Grand Total for Category-I: 100

Category-II Total Marks
Aggregate marks of BSN Generic (04 years degree program) 80


Category-II Total Marks
Professional experience of Government Service (regular, adhoc, contract service) (01 mark per year, maximum 10 marks).
Note: (Initial two years regular Government service mandatory for applying purpose will not be considered for scoring).
Candidate pursuing admission in same specialization in which she has been working in service. (2 marks for each year maximum marks are 10) 10

Grand Total for Category-II: 100

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